What Are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are thin covers custom-made to adhere to teeth for more natural color and appearance. Veneers can be used to correct the following dental concerns:

  • Stained teeth that can’t be whitened by bleaching
  • Chipped or worn teeth
  • Crooked or misshapen teeth
  • Uneven spacing
  • A large gap between the upper front teeth
Dr. Chow Examing Patient

Cosmetic Dentistry with Dr. Albert Chow at ModelSmile

Woman in an Interview

Sharon's Veneer Testimonial at ModelSmile Dentistry

Man getting his teeth worked on

Discover the Best Porcelain Veneers in Westlake Village

Dr. Chow and his experienced staff proudly provide their skills and high-tech dental procedures that will result in a long-lasting, beautiful smile you will be proud of. Get the best porcelain veneers Westlake Village offers with the outstanding dental team at ModelSmile Dentistry.

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Why Porcelain Veneers?

Our porcelain veneers in Westlake Village are made of either porcelain or composite resin material. In addition to providing a stunning white smile with even teeth, porcelain veneers offer other benefits. Damaged teeth are susceptible to tooth decay and gum disease, and veneers are a formidable defense because they are easier to brush and floss. Other benefits of porcelain veneers include:

  • They are durable and long-lasting
  • They have a natural-looking surface
  • Dr. Chow must remove less tooth enamel compared to a dental crown or cap
  • They are stain resistant

Top Westlake Village dentist, Dr. Chow, has the expertise to ensure your veneer is the proper shape, color, and size to match surrounding teeth.

How Are Porcelain Veneers Applied?

Prepping a tooth for a veneer involves slightly shaving it down to compensate for the thickness of the shell. Depending on how much natural tooth was removed, a temporary veneer may be attached while your permanent veneer is being made. Dr. Chow will also remove any decay found if necessary.

Dr. Chow will use a shade guide to find the shade of porcelain that will match your surrounding teeth as closely as possible. He will take an impression of your teeth and gums to make a model of your jaw, which will be used to custom-make your veneer.

Dr. Chow permanently bonds the veneer to the tooth, carefully trimming or reshaping it as needed until it fits perfectly. He will also make any necessary final touches to the veneer's color. It is important to remember that while Dr. Chow chooses the closest match, it may not be perfect.

Once the fit and color are finalized, Dr. Chow will etch your tooth's surface to create a rougher surface for the cement to adhere to. He will aim a curing light at the veneered tooth to set the glue, which takes just a few minutes. Dr. Chow will check your bite and polish the veneer so you can enjoy greater confidence in showing the world your newly straight and radiant smile!

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Dr. Chow leaning on wall

Why Choose Dr. Chow for Porcelain Veneers in Westlake Village?

Dr. Albert Chow's passion for providing responsible, holistic, and state-of-the-art dentistry to his patients is evident in everything he does. His mission is to educate his patients, ensuring they understand their comprehensive treatment plan and achieve their desired results.

To learn more about the best porcelain veneers in Westlake Village, please call ModelSmile Dentistry. Make an appointment to discuss your options with Dr. Chow, who is happy to answer all your questions, so you are confident about your decision.

Dr. Chow Also Offers Porcelain Veneers in Thousand Oaks

Learn More About Porcelain Veneers in Thousand Oaks»

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